The Reality of Balancing
For everything in this journey of life we are on,... there is a right wing and a left wing : for the wing of anger there is love ; for the wing of fear there is destiny ; for the wing of pain there is healing ; for the wing of hurt there is forgiveness ; for the wing of pride there is humility ; for the wing of giving there is taking ; for the wing of tears there is joy ; for the wing of rejection there is acceptance ; for the wing of judgment there is grace ; for the wing of shame there is shame ; for the wing of letting go there is the wing of keeping . We can only fly with two wings and two wings can only stay in the air if there is a balance . Two beautiful wings is perfection. There is a generation of people who idealize perfection as the existence of only one of these wings every time. But I see that a bird with one wing is imperfect. An angel with one wing is imperfect. A butterfly with one wing is dead. So this generation of people strive t...